You're in the right place. We can help.

We know how hard it is to struggle and wonder if things will ever improve. We have dedicated our lives to helping children, teens, parents, and individuals feel more connected, feel more empowered, and find their light - the light that makes them shine as the amazing person they are.

We also know how hard it is to reach out and ask for help. Schedules are busy, commitments take over, and therapy can feel like just one more thing. We promise to do everything we can to make this journey as stress-free as possible.

Having hope that things can get better is one of the biggest reasons why therapy is successful. If you or your child are feeling hopeless, we will carry the hope until you can do it on your own.
We know that things can get better, and we're so glad you're here.

Therapy for children, teens, Adults and parents in Jenkintown, PA and Wellesley, MA

my child needs support

My teen needs support

support for



Offered periodically on various topics to educate and support teens and parents.

Group Support

Offered for children, teens, and parents to provide connection, skills, and support.

The Center for Family Empowerment offers therapy for children, teens, adults and parents in Jenkintown, PA. We also serve Abington, Cheltenham, Glenside, Elkins Park, Wyncote and other nearby areas