Mismatched Memories: Speak Your Truth


Have you ever listened to two people tell the story of a shared experience? It’s amazing what differences can show up when two different sets of memories are at play. One person sees a red car run into a blue one at the intersection, while the person next to them swears it was the blue one that hit the red one. Aunt Susie remembers Uncle Frank splitting his pants while dancing the polka, but Uncle Frank insists it happened during the mazurka.

While it can be funny to hear how differently two people recall a humorous incident, it can be devastating when the misalignment between your memories and someone else’s is used to dismiss or discredit you. There is real pain when your memories don’t match the story that is being told.”

Our therapist, Amy Marlow-MaCoy, wrote a blog post about why mismatched memories happen and signs to look out for to see the distinction between simply recalling things differently and signs of abuse.

You can read Amy's post on mismatched memories here.