Embracing Change, Embracing Yourself


“Fall has always been my favorite time of year. The crunchy, bright-colored leaves underfoot make me smile, and the cooler temperatures make me glad to pull out my cozy clothes and boots. For those of us who adore the bright sunshine and long, hot days of summer, autumn may set off alarm bells that summer is over and winter not far ahead. I enjoy summer, but by the time autumn approaches I am ready for the change.

There is something about the changing season that always makes me sit up a little straighter. Every year around this time, I notice a resurgence of creative energy. I start thinking about groups to run, blogs to write, goals to pursue, and changes to enact. The shifting season awakens an energy that I find exciting.”

Our very own therapist, Amy Marlow-MaCoy, wrote a beautiful blog post about how to embrace the changes that come with each new season.

You can read Amy’s full blog post about embracing seasonal changes here!